Environmental Effort
Our Environmental Effort
Here at Lively Vibes, we put in our best efforts to ensure we are impacting the Earth in the most positive way we can. Keep reading below to find out about our efforts!
Organic Cotton: We offer the option to buy most of our shirts in organic cotton for sizes small, medium, large, and extra large. It’s only $5 more, and not to mention extremely soft. We make no extra money off of the organic cotton option, the $5 extra you are paying is strictly to cover the cost of the shirt. That’s one coffee, or one snack at the gas station. All to help support cotton farmers that are out there doing things the right way. Currently, we are using the Econscious brand of organic cotton shirts, and hopefully in the future we can find an affordable option for sizes 2X, 3X, and 4X.
Low Carbon Footprint Packaging: We use Smart Mailers for most of our small orders. Smart Mailers are made from 100% recycled materials. Smart Mailers can be reused, or recycled with plastic bags at some major grocery stores. You can search on Google to find where you can recycle plastic bags in your area. With larger orders, we try to use boxes and paper tape as much as we can. Cardboard is infinitely recyclable as long as it stays clean and isn’t contaminated with food, chemicals, etc.
We are lucky enough to live very close to a post office, so most days we walk our packages to the post office. If you would rather have your order shipped to you in a cardboard box than a smart mailer, please let us know in the notes section when you place your order and we will happily accommodate that for you!
Saving Utilities: We hang dry all of our shirts after after washing out the dye. If you ever receive a shirt from us and it feels stiff at first, this is why. We live in Colorado where the climate is extremely dry, which can make the shirts feel stiff from hang drying. With wear, it will soften up. Hang drying shirts is not only better for your tie-dye and DTG print, but it saves so much energy and money on utility bills.
Also, most of our shirts are made to order, which means we aren’t using energy (electricity, water, ink, etc) to produce shirts that might be ordered someday; we produce most of our shirts as we get orders for them.
Repurposing Dye Containers: Every company that sells dye sells them in plastic containers. We reuse these containers as much as possible for storage, plants, and we've even found places in our local area that could use them and we donate them. Let us know if you're interested in any plastic containers with screw on lids, chances are we've got some.
Thrifting: We enjoy finding used items to use in our studio. The tables we work on, the shelves we use for shirts, even our shirt printed is used. When we need something, we try our best to find a used item before purchasing anything new.
Reusing Plastic Bags: A tie-dyed shirt has to cure in a plastic bag for 24 hours after being dyed. We use the same plastic bags over and over again until they can't be used anymore. We even save the bags our bread comes in from the store, potato bags, etc.
Please reach out if you have any questions about our sustainability efforts! We love the place we live and are always learning and trying to improve the way we impact it in a positive way.